November – Month of the Holy Souls

MASSES FOR THE HOLY SOULS will be offered at the weekday and weekend Masses throughout the month of November. November Envelopes are available at back of both Churches and in the Parish Office. Completed Lists can be placed in the Boxes provided in either Church or the Parish Centre. You can also contact the Parish Office if you wish to have the names of your loved ones included in the November Masses.

MASS OF REMEMBRANCE FOR OUR DEPARTED LOVED ONES: Live-Streamed from the Cathedral, Sunday November 15th, 7.00 p.m. We will remember all who have lost a loved one and all who have died in the past year.

MEMORIAL LIGHTS: Available in the Parish Centre for those who wish to light a candle in memory of their loved ones.

In line with current Covid-19 Restrictions we are unable to have our annual Parish Cemetery Sunday as we have done in previous years.